List of WP4 documents
This work package will carry out a review of relevant policy systems in both regions, and also at the European level. The aim will be to share experience to gain a better understanding of where barriers currently exist, and how policies can be designed to facilitate the deployment of marine energy schemes.
Task 4.1: Policy and regulatory frameworks
This action will develop an understanding of the existing policy and regulatory framework in which the marine renewable energy technologies are expected to develop as well as the barriers which remain to be overcome. Oversight of the current policy and regulatory frameworks applicable to marine energy in the 2 regions will be considered, from the regional through to national and up to EU level). This will include: – Identification of barriers to promotion of marine renewable energy generation – applicability of current policy framework in addressing barriers – Consenting and licensing regimes – Marine spatial planning – Market support instruments (existing & proposed) – Other relevant instruments. These considerations will include limitations as result of political context and assessment of the relative merits of applied policy in the two regions. This comparative study of public policies and regulations in both France and the UK will highlight the similarities and attempt to identify good practices that can be applied in the partner regions and more widely in Europe.
Task 4.2: Application of support instruments
This action will assess the potential of different support tools to assist deployment, innovation and investment in areas such as finance, R & D, regulations, skills, community investments and promotion. A literature review will identify policy options that support marine renewable energy, with specific applications to industrial development in the cross-border region. Stakeholders will be consulted as to the potential for different policy and regulatory instruments to enable deployment, innovation and growth in investment in key marine renewable energy technologies. This will be a two part process, a stakeholder questionnaire to draw out core information and a stakeholder workshop which will build on the results of the questionnaire to formulate informed conclusions as to the preferred nature of future policy. The results will inform a report on potential reforms and new instruments which would provide meaningful support for enhanced innovation of the marine renewable energy technologies.
Task 4.3: Safety Risk Management
This action will review and report on state of the art practices in safety risk management in the marine renewable energy sector (including offshore wind) and other parallel industries (e.g. offshore gas, mining), identifying where best practice might act as an exemplar for action to improve health and safety issues internationally. The project will develop health and safety guidelines for the marine renewable energy sector, to include guidance for the training of stakeholders in safety risk management techniques and facilitation skills, and developing an industry maturity model to develop health & safety objectives and improvement plans.